Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm not doing very well when it comes to glasses at the moment. By glasses, I mean spectacles, rather than beverage-holding vessels, which present me with few problems on the whole. I dropped and stood on my best/most recent pair of glasses a few weeks ago, snapping one of the threads that hold the lens in place. I tried to use the lens as a monocle but couldn't get my face to squint up right. I therefore made an appointment to go to the glasses doctor, which was quite fortuitous as yesterday I fell asleep on my second-best pair of glasses and bent them beyond recognition too. Luckily the spec-lady today sorted them out: pair two were scrunched with pliers until they complied with her bending wishes; I've ordered a new set of frames for pair one. Tomorrow I should be able to see again without squinting - it'll make a pleasant change.

To make up for my lack of sight, I decided to indulge my other senses, particularly those of smell and taste. I've made a blueberry and apple pie (cooking merrily as I write); a blueberry yoghurt thickie (I had to use the left-over fruit filling somehow); and I've got a mango stir-fry planned for dinner tonight. I may end this holiday able to see again and slightly more tanned than I was, but I may not be able to fit into any of my clothes. Still, it's a price I'm prepared to pay.

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