Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another of those late night conversations, in which my bloke makes me cry:

Him: I've walked over 6,000 steps today
Me: Oh?
Him: I've got a pedometer from Walkers
Me: Ah.
Him: It's 16 steps from the cooker to the toilet.
Me: How useful if you ever need to cook your poo.
Him: Indeed. And I walked onto campus today - it's just over a mile, but it's still only 6,000 steps.
Me: Can you not take smaller steps?
Him: Hmmm...
Me: Like mincing, rather than walking.
Him: Do I need to wear special mincing trousers for that? Or just some mincing pants?
Me: No, you just need a certain type of meat...
Him: Cut up very small?
Me: Indeed.
Him: In your pants?
Me: Ah - mince in pants.

And that was when the tears started. I got stitch too, at about the point when he told me that he was looking to register an internet domain -

Laughter is a good thing.

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