Sunday, February 23, 2003

Just in from school's Taize service. The simplicity of the service really appeals to my inner minimalist, what with the silent reflection and the chants that seem simple yet contain such complex harmonies. Guess I'm just a sucker for haunting tunes.

On a slightly more mundane note, I've met the inspector who's checking our department this week. I'm being observed once tomorrow and twice on Tuesday, and he's not watching any of my icky arrogant "I'm a spoilt sixteen year old with an attitude problem and far too much money" classes, so that's even better!! To top it all off, my horoscope this week says

This week should be more calm than the last two. You get a chance to pick up the pieces and reorganize any aspect of your life that seemed to have become unglued by recent events.

That's a relief!! :-)

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