Thursday, February 13, 2003

Early one morning, long before the sun got out of bed and the cold light crept between the curtains, the alarm sounded in her bedroom. She rolled over, hoping to snooze until the last possible minute. Then she remembered the job she had to do. She sprang from her bed, quickly dressed and headed out. A brisk walk through the near-deserted streets took her to her destination. Stealthily she unlocked the door, and slipped inside before anyone saw her. She knew that her reputation would be in tatters if anyone saw, or even suspected what she was about to do. However, it had to be done. She'd procrastinated for long enough. She glanced at her watch; it was just gone 7a.m. She sat down, put on her glasses and took out her red pen. "Ah well," she thought, "Let the marking begin...."

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