Thursday, May 05, 2005

The maccams* do it again - Sunderland North are second to declare. What makes them so fast? Do their vote counters have speedy fingers? Are they just very nimble? Do they employ far more vote counters than other consituencies? A puzzle indeed.

* I'm not exactly sure whether it's maccams or maccems. I'm sure someone will tell me if they're particularly bothered about it.


Anonymous said...

They have bank tellers counting the votes (ie like banknotes) and the police transport the ballot boxes. Unlike in Portsmouth South where we took ages it seemed on the verification process (ie getting numbers of crossed off names and number of ballot papers tallying (or if not get the same number twice on papers). We were still on the first box (4th count for verification) when Sunderland South would have been declaring, mind you it was the highest number of papers we had in a box).

Mal said...

On the vitally important question of how to spell, it's generally acknowledged that people from Sunderland are mackems. A few of them even leave out the C, but then they're probably in-bred as well as being in need of a wash.

Geordie, moi? :)

Mad said...

Cheers Mally, I knew you'd know! :-)