Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"This Cat" (as opposed to "That Cat") is sulking. That Cat did a big smelly poo in the litter tray, This Cat refused to use it and so used the hallway, This Cat got shouted at, This Cat is now sulking like a teenager denied her mobile phone.

The girls have only been back a couple of hours and already their pubescent hormones have affected our cats. Waaah! I just hope that Rob remains free from the influence of so much estrogen.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Mad. Just like to say... your cats are HUGE!!!!!

Also, you may have to go for the two litter tray options. I know that Howard wasn't keen on the litter tray after Dixie had been in it, I think she was the first to venture outdoors to the soil of the garden!