Saturday, April 02, 2005

I got back from the land of no-net-access last night. I spent pretty much all evening dealing with 15 new voice-mail messages, 74 emails and trying to locate a calor gas supplier. All were completed with varying degrees of success. I have a 'To Do' list longer than a sperm whale's willy (which is a very long distance, let me assure you) so I can't fritter away hours playing with my blog. My shopping list for this morning includes 12 toilet rolls, 17 clear plastic pencil cases and four 4.5kg gas refills. Rock on.

(It's Jen's wedding this afternoon and I have just found the top I want to wear crumpled at the bottom of my laundry pile. Whoops. I may have to wear an ironed-dry shirt at this rate!)


Simon said...

74 Emails. So you've been away just a couple of days?

Mad said...

Sadly it was 74 *after* the spam catcher had done its good work. Most of them wanted me to do something. Pah.

Simon said...

Er yes I have a spam filter. My original comment still stands :)

Anonymous said...

I'm after a spam filter which ones are you employing in the fight against spam (not of the chopped pork variety)

Anonymous said...

Oh blogger had a funny .. that was I above, Caz

Mad said...

The Mighty Spamcatcher is the one that came with Thunderbird, my email program. It's good.