Saturday, February 05, 2005

Guides was great this evening. We've been doing the You and Me Together challenge, which is all about disabilities - it started as a last-minute programme filler and has evolved into a full-on let's-do-this-and-get-the-badge-and-certificate. We played a favourite game (chair fishing a la Ed Wright, no less) but two Guides in each patrol had one arm 'disabled' in a sling, while another in each patrol was blindfolded. After fishing for chairs, we sat in a circle and talked about what it had been like having no arm or no sight. It was as if they had read the script in advance: they came up with all sorts of good answers and sensible suggestions about how to change the game and how to include everyone in it. This is *after* they'd carred out an hour of patrol activities, completely planned and organised independently. I'm starting to feel guilty for not being a more hands-on leader, but they seem more than happy planning and running their own meetings, so who am I to argue?! At least it gave me 45 minutes free to start tackling the district's census forms!

1 comment:

Manda said...
