Monday, February 07, 2005

Chair fishing... as requested by Rach.

Scouts/Guides in patrols, stood at one side of the room, behind a 'river bank' made of chalk/rope/convenient crack in the flooring. Opposite each patrol is a chair - the elusive, shy, little chair-fish. The patrols can use whatever they have on them to 'catch' the chair-fish, but if they fall in the river then the fish swims further away.

The best solution is to take all the laces from their shoes, join them with an easily untied knot (otherwise they're a real swine to undo afterwards) and then attach one shoe to the end as a weight. The 'rope' of shoelaces can then be swung out to wrap around the chair-fish. Just don't stand in the way - we sometimes get shoes flying everywhere!

This can easily take 20 minutes by the time they've discussed how to get the chair, got the laces etc. and actually thrown the line a few times. My Guides love it, but they tend to use their jumpers instead of shoelaces and end up in a right state!

Now I'd better go and do some work - or perhaps I should hunt for more drugs first....

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