Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Term ends with House Supper, a black tie dinner with dining, drinking and carousing until the early hours. This means that I have to find something to wear, which normally causes more stress than writing damned reports.

I own two dresses that are appropriate for such occasions. One is purple, long and swishy; the other is pink but much less glamorous. I wore the pink for Christmas House Supper, so technically it's time to get the purple outfit out. However, if we're talking technicalities here, there's the small consideration of getting the zip done up. This is not just because of the effect of school dinners upon my waistline, but also because this is a dress with very little in the strappage department so no bra for me; going without is not a problem because - trust me - my breasts are going nowhere once this dress is done up. The zip, however, is one of those fiddly ones that require yogic movements and double-jointed shoulders to get it done up, unless you recruit a good friend (and it *has* to be a good friend, as you're going to stand bra-less but undone in front of them, and there's the risk that they'll be knocked out by errant boobs). I've been avoiding trying on the dress for a) lack of good friend, and b) fear of a lack of closure. Today, though, I decided that I could delay no longer. Guess what...?

It still fits! Provided I can stay off the chocolate biscuits between now and then I should be ok! :-)

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