Tim asks:
Do you like your countries then?
S'pose so, although I'm not quite sure why I need them. Mind you, they do provide entertainment, in true computer fashion:
It's confused, I'm really in England somewhere, sorry. Si
Be not sorry, m'dear, just smirk at the supposed ineffability of computers!
how come you don't go on jabber anymore? And why is your jabber address not on your blog?
you've stopped using jabber! *complain* :P
It's not just Jabber I've been avoiding, I've been steering clear of any instant messaging thingy for at least six weeks - ever since the frantic end of last term, in fact. This term I've been inundated with work (exams loom ever closer, and that creates marking like nothing else) and I've not had the time to get back online. This evening I have two lots of U6 work, three sets of L6 work and 2 sets of GCSE answers: there's certainly no time for sitting back and catching up with friends. Pish!
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