Saturday, February 21, 2004

Perambulating round the house during the last lesson before lunch today, I discovered a posse of sixth-form watching some DVD about the making of Lord of the Rings. We started talking about the film and the relative attractiveness of the various characters ("Still the prettiest") as they appeared on the screen.

A. (who's not seen the film): Ooh - who's that?
E.: That's Sam and Frodo.
Me: Sam's moving in for a snog...
All the girls: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
E.: No - they're just friends.
Me: Eurm... have you seen the way that Sam glances longingly at Frodo?!
E.: No - they're good friends.
Me: I bet you don't look at your friends like that.

[all eyes move to the TV, where - luckily - Sam is fluttering his eyelids at Frodo in a particularly homoerotic way]

E.: Hmmm... I'd never thought of it before, but now you come to mention it...

Mua-ha-ha!! That's just destroyed the film for them: never again will they be able to watch it without thinking of that! Tomorrow I will point them in the direction of the Very Secret Diaries and their corruption will be complete! :-)

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