Sunday, February 29, 2004

Once every four years, I do a bit of Sortin' and Tidyin', and as a part of this, I've been rummaging through my bloggage comments. Hmmm.... there's a lot to get through! And, believe me, this is merely a small sample...

First up, a general enquiry:

Is bloggage a word?

If it's not, it is now! Next, Tim, today:

Well, you've got just over 5.5 hours left to propose to somebody.

Time's ticking away... must get going. It's like Countdown. Or Challenge Anneka. Or more like Mission: Impossible!

Next up, thoughts on the theme of the Madmobile:

I think you should get some MadMobile stickers made up for the Madmobile. Maybe some go faster stripes as well.
Or you could paste panda feet over the roof.

Go faster stripes!! We like that! Maybe even flames painted up the sides... Quick! - stop me before I get carried away...

Moving on with great haste, some about dating:

Loved your internet dating description... it would register highly on my attractive personality scale... and it made me laugh - especially the "possessive partner" after a comment about apostrophes.
Excellent write-up. Especially like the bit on choosing a username, I eventually came to the conclusion that the best username was just your real name. No misrepresentation, no hiding behind a nickname, and evident confidence (i.e. you don't give a crap about your mates identifying you). Shame I never did use my real name, then. :) - Mal. (aka boyracer1975 aka minimalist aka scruffyget)
That internet dating stuff - which service are you using? I want to do a highly unscientific test and I'll put money on the outcome. ;) Here's the deal... you write what you think would be a perfect bloke's profile (in your eyes), and I'll bet you a fiver that it gets less interest than your own profile. Go on, it could be easy money... - Mal.
I was just looking through your planet, and I promise not to tell Charlotte you've signed up to an internet dating thing! Speak to you soon Dave.

The shame! The shame! Pffft! :-P Am seriously considering taking Mal up on his challenge though; I might need to consult the experts first.

Last, but by no means least:

blah. Planet Mad. The perfect work time passer :)

I'm glad. It passes my work time too, which is why I now have a big marking crisis. You should see my empty inbox though: very sexy!

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