Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I am a woman of principle.

No - don't laugh. No - not even you, Mrs Johns. It's true:

I won't ever refuse food (unless it's got marmite in it), and I don't run. Ever.*

However, in a foolish drunken moment at Sunday's staff party (like, I don't have many of them) I agreed to do the Parker 100 with a colleague. The Parker 100 was established in memory of one of the teachers here, and is awarded to anyone running 100 miles in the course of Lent Term (that's the time between Christmas and Easter, for those of you who don't have silly names for your time periods).

Obviously the "running" aspect left me concerned for a while, until I negotiated a compromise - I'm going to walk it. It's day 2 already, and there's a tally o'er there... please give me a kick if it's not going up quick enough!

* Except when coerced to play netball

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