Thursday, June 26, 2003

Things from last night that made me chortle, giggle or otherwise smirk...

* Parking a minibus (with 'Repton School' emblazened down its side) in a carpark opposite two of Birmingham's most popular gay bars.

* One of our most studious pupils saying to me, "Are you actually a proper teacher?" On replying in the affirmative, she said, "Oh well - I just wasn't sure because of the whole pints and jeans thing!" Mua-ha-ha - my disguise is working!

There were other things too, but I can't remember them. I have, however, just taught a magnificent end-of-term lesson about Critical Path Analysis (which is like glorified flow charts, for those lucky enough not to have encountered them before!). I got the kids to work in pairs to plan their preparations for a night out on the lash and to calculate at what time they should start getting ready if the taxi leaves at 8.00pm. I haven't laughed so much in ages!

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