Thursday, May 15, 2003

Based on last night's wishlist, I am grateful for all of these:

Mad here is a hug (}) are you okay? love Aims xx

With reference to the earlier Inferno test, more results straggle inward:

7th level of hell? I never knew you had a violent streak in you. A streak maybe, but not a violent one. Myself, I'm a sixer - a mere heretic. - Mal.
Wotcha! I finally found the time to take the test. Apparently, if such things are to be believed, I'm off to Purgatory. This should give me some time to practice playing the harp. :-)

Am I right in thinking that the Harp in question is some sort of lager?! Maybe that's just my sinner-ness shining though...

And finally in my inbox, an apology of the greatest magnitude:

Sorry for looking like a deranged vampire with a curry fetish in lunch! It was meant to be a cute ickle impression of Fatso. It was not.

Apology gracefully accepted, young sir, but I had to lie in a darkened room to get over it... just you remember how fragile and easily scared us wee teachers can be. Mind, although not cute or ickle it was a good impression of a chocolate-crazed Fatso, so that's OK.

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