Wednesday, March 19, 2003

One last minute shopping trip to Burton has solved the Ribena crisis. It's also filled one or two gaps in my collection of sun creams and other holiday-type potions. The packing is progressing steadily (which is teacher-speak for not really progressing at all) and although nothing has actually made it into any sort of bag/suitcase, I have now assembled the books I intend to read during this week, which are, in no particular order:

Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett
Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
The Map of Love - Ahdaf Soueif
Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow - Peter Hoeg
Miss Wyoming - Douglas Coupland
Possession - A. S. Byatt
Cat's Eye - Margaret Attwood
The Edible Woman - Margaret Attwood
The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver

Some of these are favourite reads, others are brand-spanking new and bought on a whim or a recommendation; either way I'm looking forward to a week spent immersed in other people's words and worlds. The only problem I can envisage is that of persuading the nice people at the airport check-in that I'm within my luggage allowance! :-)

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