Friday, January 31, 2003

Entertaining moment of the day (so far!):
I have just been discussing the business cycle (booms, recessions and so on) with a sixth form business studies set, and we talked about products that would/wouldn't really be affected by a recession. In pairs, they came up with a list of products that fell into each category, and then wrote them up on the board. When discussing the list a few minutes later, I discovered that someone had put Durex in the "wouldn't be affected much" column; with a look of deep thought on his face, another boy said, "Couldn't you just use toilet roll?" It took some time for us to work out that he was talking about Kleenex!! :-)

On a slightly sadder note, I read from other blogs (such as here , here and here) that there is snow out and about, yet we have none. In fact, it's bloody cold, but not a hint of the white stuff drifting downwards. Mind you, this article reports on the inevitable excitement caused down south, and contains this FANTASTIC quote: One motorist told BBC Breakfast News that he had only moved two miles in 10 hours and had had just two pasties to sustain him. Two pasties. Exciting travelling companions, no?!

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