Saturday, December 28, 2002

Have just spent 5 days at the Olds', doing little more than eating, drinking and generally making merry!! Hurrah for Christmas!!

Christmas Eve was spent in the pub (after the family visits were completed!) in what is frighteningly becoming Groundhog Day... everyone from school congregates in one particular pubin the village, and the conversation follows the same lines each year - "So, what are you doing?" "Where are you living?" "Still not going out with anyone?" - it's scary!! However, it was lovely to catch up with people, and to note the damage that passing years inflict upon one's contemporaries!! Also, had random snog incident with the lovely Chris, who I used to walk to school with when aged 15. In fact, 2 repeat performances after Christmas suggest that this may not be just a random snog thing, but am determined not to count chickens until they are happily cheeping!! :-)

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